Featured Projects


Giving a voice to the Urban Exploration scene


Writing in the spirit of street art

Fixed Gear Fetish

One for the velo heads

Untitled. III This is Street Art

A love letter to the street art warriors of the world

Untitled. II The Beautiful Renaissance

Is this the most important art movement of our time?

How does this work?

There are a gazillion* ways you can use a copywriter.

Fortunately, it can all be simplified into three simple steps.
  • You answer a lot of questions about your business or organisation and your current project.
  • You get some lovely writing, neatly formatted and accurately proofed. 
  • You love it so much you pay me double and recommend me to all your friends.
How can you tell if its any good?

"It's all about the story, stupid!"

Good writing is storytelling.

I use the 'Made to Stick' model created by Chip & Dan Heath.

Simple, Unexpected, Core, Concrete, Emotional, Stories

This simple formula works for any branded communication, from web copy to ebooks. It helps to make your message engaging and memorable.

These days your copy needs to do more than just sell.

Contact me now for your free consultation.



*This is a made up number, made up of other numbers.